Animated Spring Pictures Animated Movie Scene From 50s Or 60s With A Character Named Lady Spring?

Animated movie scene from 50s or 60s with a character named Lady Spring? - animated spring pictures

I tried it in movies and got absolutely nothing to try so bad, animation:

I was born in 1947. My sister was born in 1955. Both children were when we saw this scene in the animation where a character named Lady of Spring, wearing a flowing white robe, was presented (the personification of the season began) and all the trees bloom, the animals were happy, etc. My sister it has so much, he was accustomed to dress like Lady Spring. In my head I can still hear the happy animals as "Lady of Spring" Spring Lady "Lady and the spring seems to be reversed in the middle of a clearing in the forest.

This could not have been a feature film. This could be a bit short - like "Silly Symphony"? Some people suggested that I remembered something wrong Bambi, but I have this movie, and although many cute animals in it, that's not the same. Nobody remembered Lady of Spring?


memberof... said...

It could be part of CBS theatrical cartoons. ... is the site for that, but I think it's really just portray Disney Hades abducted Persephone. It comes with spring and all the animals around, but she is abducted by Hades and taken to the underworld and the world is in the winter, etc. ..

It was between 1-15 minutes I think, be executed.

I hope that this is what you seek.

Deppster said...


pistolpe... said...

Boris Karloff, has not played is the monster in Young Frankenstein.

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